Virtual Reforest 5k FAQs
What’s happening?
After much deliberation and consideration of local guidance, we have decided to change the Reforest 5k to be a virtual race. Below, we have listed information that we think will be helpful for you to know.
What is a virtual race?
A virtual race is a race you can participate in from anywhere in the world! You get to make your own starting line and starting time, and it’s infinitely more convenient to be able to run from (or even in!) your own home. All you have to do at the end is upload your results!
Why did you all decide to change the race?
After consultation, research, and guidance, we feel it would be quite frankly irresponsible to hold an event that, by nature, creates a crowd. There are too many people we care about in this community to put anyone at risk. We do everything in our power to keep our participants safe during our races, and in this case at this time, that means not hosting our race at a single physical venue where we would be forming a crowd. We have therefore decided to attempt to avoid creating a crowd environment at all and are turning the race into a Virtual Race. This will allow us to still give participants a chance to race and support Reforest the Bluegrass, while remaining able to isolate themselves and avoid large crowds.
They sure can! And their participation will help buy trees for this year’s Reforest the Bluegrass! Sign up here!
Can others sign up for the virtual run?
Absolutely! Shirts will be available for pickup at John’s Run/Walk Shop at 317 S. Ashland Avenue at the following times:
Friday, March 20th, 3-7 PM
Saturday, March 21st, 10 AM-12 PM
Do I still get my shirt?
Don’t worry! They’ll be kept safe and healthy until Reforest the Bluegrass. Then they’ll be part of the trees we end up planting at Belleau Woods Park on April 11th!
What will happen to the trees we were going to plant after the race?
Can I still go to other Water Week activities?
You can reach out to us via our Contact Us page, or email with any further questions.